


Dare to Lead | Brené Brown


Click here to find the book on Amazon

 Brené Brown is likely known to all of you - if not, get reading, she's amazing!



In this short Ted Talk you’ll hear Dublin Mark Kelly speak about kindness and the difference it made in his workplace.

Click here to watch



Denise Walker describes the ripple effect of kindness in a though provoking presentation

Click here to watch


I love sharing tips and tricks that have helped me along the way!
Please feel free to access my library of valuable resources!


Spring challenges us to mind our body as well as our emotions.

Here is a great resource for help us spring into fitness with success: 

  • Find your “why” It's important to focus on your true goal. ...
  • Start small. ...
  • Schedule it. ...
  • Create a plan. ...
  • Build in movement throughout your day. ...
  • Take it outdoors. ...
  • Get enough ZZZs. ...
  • Pal up!

Find out more here:



Psychology Today has a lovely collection of Spring quotes and reflections to inspire you.

Let yourself bask in them!





Affirmations | Positive Mindset


Gratitude and more




Lucy Hone has been a Resilience expert for years.
But after experiencing the Christchurch NZ earthquakes – and her own personal loss –
she speaks differently here about what she learned and what she recommends to us as a result.

This video clip by Courtney Clark is a resource and a challenge - I think you'll enjoy it!

Here's a talk by an amazing young man, Sam Bern,
who taught us so much about resilience and about choosing happiness.

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Affirmations | Positive Mindset


Matt Cutts gives an entertaining insight into the value of creating new habits!



App for meditation and sleep.




App to develop a positive mindset



An excellent article with the science behind affirmations and so much more. Well worth a read!


Louise Hay is probably the best-known writer in regard to Affirmations and Positive Thinking. This is one of her many recordings. 

and one of her many books...

I Can Do It: How to Use Affirmations to Change Your Life




Recent scientific breakthroughs have revealed that what we think and feel changes the brain.

Rick Hanson’s Hardwiring Happiness shows us how to transform the simple positive experiences of daily life into neural structures that promote lasting health, contentment, love and inner peace.

Click here to find the book on Amazon UK




Goal Setting

This short video clip brings home the challenge of following our desires and goals rather than our feelings. This way we can keep working towards our goals - even when 'it sucks'!

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Anne Devine | Encourage Yourself, Encourage Others

Anne has written a beautiful book called, Encourage Yourself, Encourage Others, and she is sharing her motivational thoughts with many groups around Ireland. What a simple yet powerful word it is - Encouragement - and yet, how sparing are we with giving it out? Are we more generous with others than with ourselves? Do we have such high expectations that discouragement is more the result?



Words of Encouragement

Watch this today and any day you could benefit from some words of encouragement!


The Power of Encouragement | Schentel Jones

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Gratitude and more...


Two words that can change your life | Tanmeet Sethi 

In this thought-provoking talk, Tanmeet Sethi shares how the overlooked value of gratitude can have surprising health and medical benefits.

The Gratitude Diaries | Janice Kaplan 


In this NEW YORK TIMES bestseller, Janice Kaplan spends a year living gratefully and transforms her marriage, family life, work and health.



Dare to Lead | Brené Brown


Click here to find the book on Amazon

 Brené Brown is likely known to all of you - if not, get reading, she's amazing!


The Happy Secret to Better Work / Shaun Achor

I can't even tell you how many times I've watched this video as I often show it on training course. And each time it's amazing! Shaun is an entertaining speaker - and leaves us with simple yet profound tools. 



Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are | Amy Cuddy

This is a very popular video which shows us how we can 'get into our resources', into our most confident state by some simple Power Poses. Well worth a look!